

的 哲学与宗教 Program explores the human condition by studying great ideas with analytical rigor.  With an emphasis on critical thinking, it teaches how think rather than what to think.  的 degree prepares students to pursue a wide range 的职业生涯.  哲学 majors are among the highest scores of any major on tests for law school and other graduate schools, and the major is sought after by business and government as an indicator of analytical ability.  Majors choose one of three concentrations depending on their interests and career goals:  Philosophical Studies, Religious Studies, or Ethics, Law, and Political 的ory. 

哲学与宗教 Majors choose one of three concentrations:

的 Philosophical Studies Concentration stresses the History of 哲学, Logic 与伦理理论. It covers perennial issues in Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Value 的ory, including the existence of God, free will, the nature of the mind, the basis of moral obligation, the nature of political justice, and the meaning of life. It is suggested for majors who wish to have a broad understanding of the history of ideas and the philosophical foundations of the liberal arts. 的 training in analysis and critical thinking is excellent – and sought-after – preparation for business, public 服务, law, and many other fields. A philosophy major is looked upon favorably by graduate programs across various disciplines.


英国航空公司的要求     BS需求

This concentration combines Moral and Political 哲学 and Applied Ethics. It is designed for students who are interested in moral and political values and principles and their practical application. Fields covered include the History of Ethics, Social and Political 的ory, 哲学 of Law, War and Ethics, Biomedical Ethics, Environmental Ethics, and Religious Ethics. 的 Ethics, Law and Political 的ory Concentration is particularly good preparation for law school or work in government or other public 服务. 的 emphasis on critical thinking and problem solving is, like the philosophy major generally, good preparation for many types of work as well as engaged citizenship. 


英国航空公司的要求     BS需求

的 Religious Studies Concentration explores comparative world religions, the philosophy of religion, and the interpretation of scriptures and traditions. 它的目标是 understanding of the nature of religion, the great religious traditions, and their role in human existence and social life. This concentration is practical for those thinking about going to seminary to prepare for a religious vocation such as ministry, chaplaincy, or teaching at a religiously affiliated school. It is also suggested for students who plan to go to graduate school in religious studies as preparation for 高校教学. Finally, the concentration is suggested for anyone who has a passionate interest in religion and its philosophical inquiry. 


英国航空公司的要求     BS需求


的 Philosophical Studies Minor

的 Religious Studies Minor

的 Ethical Studies Minor



的 faculty in the philosophy program is committed to mentoring and advising for degree completion and career and graduate study opportunities. 

的 哲学老师 is currently composed of the following teachers: 

Dr. 纪念迈克尔。 (教授)
  • Ph.D. 在哲学 from the University of Albany, SUNY (1987)
  • Areas of teaching responsibility include ethical theory, social and political philosophy, modern philosophy, epistemology, and applied ethics.
Dr. Jordy Rocheleau (教授)
  • Ph.D. 在哲学 from Michigan State University (2000)
  • Areas of teaching responsibility are 19th-20th century philosophy, history of ethics, war and ethics, philosophy of law, and religious ethics.
Dr. 安妮·爱德华兹(兼职)
  • Ph.D. 在哲学
  • Area of teaching responsibility is medical ethics.

的 philosophy program is large enough to offer a comprehensive program but small enough to provide extensive interaction between students and teacher. 上师 classes typically have between 7 and 15 students.  我们有一个活跃的 哲学俱乐部 which organizes discussions, debates, field trips and fun gatherings outside the 教室. Students and faculty jointly plan and participate in Club activities. 的 program awards two yearly 奖学金 for 哲学与宗教 students exhibiting excellence. 

Interested in learning more?

If you wish further information concerning 365bet and the philosophy program, including campus visits or tours, you may contact the 亚利桑那州立大学招生办公室.

You may also contact the program in one of the following ways: